
Committed to the purification of cutting fluid processing and supporting the production and sales of automation equipment manufacturers


Committed to the purification of cutting fluid processing and supporting the production and sales of automation equipment manufacturers

 Xianhang Intelligent Equipment   Equipment 
Wuxi xianhang is a manufacturer which integrates design and development, manufacturing, operation and service, and is committed to the purification of cutting fluid and the production and sales of supporting automation equipment.
Product Category
Current Location:
  • 物联网应用场景向纵深拓展 激发无线通信模组行业提速

    物联网应用场景向纵深拓展 激发无线通信模组行业提速

      新华社北京7月17日电 题:物联网应用场景向纵深拓展 激发无线通信模组行业提速  新华社记者周文林  伴随与人工智能、5G技术更紧密的结合及产业政策的持续支持,物联网正向着更广阔的应用场景迅速扩展。值得关注的是,在此背景下,作为支撑物联网“基础设施”之一的【detailed】

  • 2021-04-01

  • 2021-04-01

  • 2021-04-01

  • 2021-04-01

Mobile Phone: 15861409358
Address: Building 22, Huishan Zhizao Industrial Park, 108 Luoqi Road, Huishan District, Wuxi, China
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